Upwey High School

2020 | Upwey, Victoria, Australia | Education

Upwey High School places huge value in its relationship with the community and its surroundings. The school’s mountainous setting near the Dandenong Ranges plays a strong part in its identity. Their welcoming ethos, along with the natural surroundings, have strongly driven the design narrative.


Our master plan aims toward an ambitious addition of two new buildings, refurbishment of two existing buildings and the addition of a new gymnasium featuring state-of-the-art facilities for performing arts and sport.

While the stadium will boast an impressive presence on site, the magnitude of the neighbouring trees and mountains allows its mass to be diluted and sees it blend into its surrounds.


Careful consideration is given to the use of materiality and its dynamic with the environment surrounding the school. Use of almost industrial materials in conjunction with traditional brick have been implemented to ‘descale’ the large facilities even further to a human scale.

Internally, both new and existing buildings are reinvigorated and welcome visitors and students alike. Practically, the new design provides comfort in both winter and summer conditions.


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