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2023 Singapore
IDA Design Awards 2023 - Honorable Mention

Terracotta House

2023 Singapore
IDA Design Awards 2023 - Honorable Mention

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  • A Tale of Adaptation and Harmony. Terracotta house consists of a single storey conservation bungalow and a two- storey new extension with basement and swimming pool. The design of the new extension wraps around the conserved house, creating additional space for a multigenerational family.

  • In response to the bungalow's terracotta roof, a new façade is designed for the extensions. It incorporates a thoughtful mix of earth-tone cladding mirrors gradation of traditional roof tiles. The use of custom-detailed stainless steel hanging mechanism enables free insertion of cladding modules. The result is a pixelation effect that softens the visual impact of the new addition and transforms it into architectural screen backdrop that complements the conserved bungalow.

  • Fully glazed bridges are inserted between the new additions and the old bungalow, making very clear when one transits from the old to the new. Courtyards at various levels are also introduced to smoothen transition between them.
